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INSALATA DI LATTUGA Y GORGONZOLA (romaine and walnut salad with gorgonzola vinaigrette, for six)

Lettuce was a valuable crop in the ancient world and had great medical, religious and cultural importance. Classical mythology claimed that Adonis was hidden by Venus in a bed of romaine lettuce where he was killed by a foraging wild boar.  As a result, lettuce was included in funeral feasts in ancient Greece and Rome.


1 head romaine

5 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon balsamic red wine vinegar

½ teaspoon salt

freshly ground black pepper

¼ pound gorgonzola

½ cup shelled walnuts, coarsely chopped and toasted

  1. Pull off and discard any of the romaine’s bruised or blemished outer leaves. Detach the rest from the core and tear them into bite-sized pieces.  Wash and dry thoroughly.
  1. Put the olive oil, vinegar, salt and a few grindings of pepper into the salad bowl. Beat them 2 or 3 times with a fork.  Add half of the gorgonzola and mash it well with the fork.
  1. Add half the walnuts, all the lettuce and toss thoroughly. Taste and correct for seasoning.
  1. Top with the remaining gorgonzola, cut into small nuggets, and the rest of the chopped walnuts.


from Marcella Hazan, More Classic Italian Cooking

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