Condiments, salad dressings, miso dressing 3  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

1 rounded tablespoon white or yellow miso

2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar, or 1 tablespoon rice vinegar and 1 tablespoon lime juice

½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger

1 small garlic clove, minced or put through a press

a pinch of cayenne

2 tablespoons dark sesame oil

2 tablespoons peanut oil or grapeseed oil

2 tablespoons plain low-fat yogurt

  1. Combine the miso and vinegar (or vinegar and lime juice) in a small bowl and whisk together. Add the remaining ingredients and whisk until amalgamated.  You can also mix this in a blender.
  1. Toss with the salad of your choice.


from Martha Rose Shulman, the New York Times

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